Moving towards tomorrow
Our Process
Creating a landscape of inspiring eco-familiar forms
Civilizations from the history of time have been preserved by the quality of their architecture. This reflects their struggles, prosperity, beliefs and religion, the availability of resources, time stamps and evolution across generations.
As we move towards tomorrow however, globalization presents us with various prospects and problems. Climate change, maintaining a sustainable environment and ecological balance, limited resources and thereby a reduced margin for error, an intelligent client base and population explosion being some of our most crucial challenges. Architecture must find a way to address each of these problems whilst still creating buildings that are both relevant today and idealistic in shaping the thoughts and aspirations of generations to come.
This is the primary objective of FORMSCAPES, a team of intelligent, vibrant young professionals, whose philosophy is to create dynamic and intelligent forms in consonance with sustainable requirements of the environment, moulding the identities of several cultures, reconciling the budget+form +function matrix through creativity and resolve especially in a continuously dynamic, complex and contemporary network society.
We hope to work with Clients who are incredibly ambitious and whose thirst for innovation and drama can fuel the birth of the next generation of landmark buildings.
Welcome to FORMSCAPES.